Who Are Noob And Pro Players? : Actual Meaning in gaming world

While watching different game streams of PUBG, Free Fire, or while playing with your friends you must have heard the use of the word “Noob” (often called Newbie, newb, or nub) and “Pro” haven’t you?

The use of these words is very popular nowadays as people often use these words while playing online games, and streams of many games are very popular these days where the use of such words is very common.

In this post, we are going to talk more about Noob and Pro player so read till the end.

What is a Noob player?

A noob player is a game player (of both real-life sports or online games) whose performance is poor or a player who is newly playing the game.

Generally Noob players don’t have strong stats like pro player and don’t know much about a specific game.

They are often called with different slang words like Piro player and that’s what our site name is.

What is Pro Player?

A pro player is a game player (of both real-life sports or online games) who is playing the game for a long time or a player with a performance above average. 

Generally this type of player know almost everything about the specific game and have excellent of stats of that game.

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