How to Unban Your FREE FIRE Account | Reason For Ban

Free Fire is one of the most downloaded and installed games in India and it is very popular among teenagers. 

Many times in the motive to reach higher league easily such as Grandmaster many players use ways due to which their free fire account gets banned.

There are various ways in which your Free Fire account is so firstly we will talk about the reasons for the ban of your Free Fire account then we will come to solutions or ways by which you can unban your Free Fire account.

Possible reasons for the ban of the Garena Free Fire’s account:

Using the Mod version of Free Fire:

There are various Free Fire mods available on the Internet. Translucent Road, Ultra-Fast Speed cheat, Diamond cheat, Location tracker/Map cheat, Headshot only, One Hit-Kill, Translucent Bullets, Vehicle cheat (can pass through walls), Wall cheat (can hide inside walls & rocks) are some of the most used mods by many players. These mods are available to download on various sites, which is illegal.

There are various Free Fire mods available on the Internet. Translucent Road, Ultra-Fast Speed cheat, Diamond cheat, Location tracker/Map cheat, Headshot only, One Hit-Kill, Translucent Bullets, Vehicle cheat (can pass through walls), Wall cheat (can hide inside walls & rocks) are some of the most used mods by many players. These mods are available to download on various sites, which is illegal.

But once someone notices and reports that you are using a modded app then your account will be permanently banned that is for sure. The chances of recovering such accounts are very low.

Playing with cheaters

Many players play in squads or duos with players who are using illegal mods of Free Fire with the motive of ranking up to higher leagues. These player’s IDs also have a chance of being banned. These accounts have a chance of being unbanned.

Too many reports by teammates:

Very few have been banned due to this specific reason. If too many reports are received for a specific ID for verbal abuse, or harming your own teammates then your account may get banned. These accounts have a chance of being unbanned easily just follow the right way to write a good mail.

Using a third-party app to gain unfair benefit:

There are various apps that can make some changes in the native files of Free Fire which can also ban your account. As a simple preventive measure download and install such apps only from the Play Store don’t download them from different app download sites.

Using a third-party app to gain unfair benefit:

There are various policies and Terms of Use that you accept when you first time install Free Fire on your smartphone, where they clearly mention if you break these rules your ID or smartphone get banned from playing Free Fire. To read policies go here and to read terms of use go here.

How to unban your account of Free Fire:

Unbanning your banned account of Free Fire is very difficult many YouTubers may say try this and your account will be unbanned. But trust us most of them are fake. Free Fire has clearly mentioned they will not even look to requests related to unbanning accounts on their official site’s page.

Still, there are some methods by which you can contact the Free Fire team. By using these methods chances are very low that your account will be recovered. Something needs to be done instead of sitting quietly so try these two methods given below.

First Method:

Step 1. First of all, go to Garena Free Fire’s page. And tap on ‘Submit Request’.

Official Free Fire Support site

Step 2. Then log in to the same account which is log in with your banned account. You may face a problem login but try with the same account.

Step 3. Now first up select your region, then type the correct information of your banned UID and in-game name. If you don’t have your UID then try to find with help your friends.

Step 4. Under the Type of request choose Game concerns, and under the type of problem choose Technical issue. In the attachment, section add a screenshot of your lobby if you don’t have that screenshot then add a screenshot of the suspended account.

Step 5. Now in the check-mark type description. In the description describe your view. If you haven’t done anything wrong then explain it descriptively. And send the request. Now your complaint will be given a token and this token is visible on the Submit request page screen of Garena Free Fire’s official site where you easily see the response from Free Fire’s team. If you are not able to find that page then do read our post.

My description (Sample description)-

My Free FIre ID (123456789) is banned.
I haven't done anything unethical or unfair that may break policy or terms of use of Free Fire.
So please share the reason for the ban of my account, otherwise, I kindly request to unban my account.

Second Method:

You should follow both methods in order to increase the chances of unbanning your Free Fire ID. In this method type mail to Free Fire’s official support email ID.

Free Fire’s official email is

Even though recovering your Free Fire account is difficult trying is a good thing don’t just sit and wait to try to contact any person who may help you to unban your ID.

Do you have any other suggestions then do let others know via the comment box present down. And if you love to read such helpful articles then do subscribe to our notifications.

2 thoughts on “How to Unban Your FREE FIRE Account | Reason For Ban”

  1. My Id has suspended please unsuspend my account sir I used only config file sorry here after I will not config file sorry
    My uid:2263364069
    My name dj DHASS

  2. Felt bad for you bro, sorry to say but nothing is in my hand.

    You should try contacting Free Fire support person form your region which is India, he will definitely answer your question.


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