While buying Clash of Clans Gems have you ever calculated its actual price? Don’t worry we are here we have provided a simple calculator to know the value of gem in Indian Rupee, so that you just have to enter the amount of gems and it will give you the INR required to buy it.
In COC you get –
80 Gems for 89₹
1 Gem for ? ₹
? = 89/80
1.1125₹ for 1 gem.
Hence value of 1 gem is 1.1125 Rs.
This value of 1 gem we have used for the following calculator.
Gem Calculator to INR (₹):
Type a value in the Gems Amount Value field to convert the value to INR:
Indian Rupee (₹):
Please note that COC gives discounts when you buy more Gems, hence as the value of Gems increase you will get more discount, thus values will vary than in actual game.
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